February 15, 2025

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Why Choose Hotel Management?

Hotel Management

Hotel management training and professions cultivate your interpersonal skills.

Moreover, How to manage a Guest House?

The tourism industry is for people who like to share their passion for places and things with like-minded people. Designing, selling and revitalizing tourist accommodation , this is the motto of experts in the world of tourism .

So What are the strengths of the hotel industry?

Customer service. From reception to room service, the common objective of all hotel employees is, without a doubt,
moreover, why choose hospitality studies? To ensure that its training meets the needs of employers and reflects the reality of the labor market, the École Hôtelière works in close collaboration with the industry and the organizations that represent it. …

How to manage a hostel?

Study the behaviors and expectations of your future customers.
Analyze trends in the youth hostel market.
Study the accommodation offers already present in the area of ​​establishment and find a way to be competitive

How to run a hotel business?

Human resources. The staff is the key element of a hotel. …
Client service. Customer service does not stop at customer relations during stays. …
Accounting Keeping rigorous accounting is essential. …
We obviously find the traditional accommodation manager, receptionist and valet/maid. To these professions can be added a general housekeeper, who leads a team of floor housekeepers as well as a reception manager who manages the receptionists and night audits.

Why did you choose the BTS tourism?

Choosing tourism for your BTS is the guarantee of a quick professional integration that lives up to your ambitions . In addition to professions that have proven themselves, several professions related to travel and leisure are emerging. The tourism sector is increasingly dynamic.If you decide to make tourism a career, the first advantage that arises is the opening to several other areas of activity . … With a specialization in tourism , you can easily become a chef, a service manager, a staff member, the manager of a structure.This BTS is quite difficult unless you learn regularly and invest yourself, there is a lot by heart and to start the year off right, a tip: learn the capitals of all countries and cultivate yourself!

Why work in a luxury hotel?

The advantage of the hotel trades is that it is possible to evolve. … “Joining a luxury establishment does not mean immediately gaining managerial responsibilities, even if you come from very good hotel schools, reminds Sabrina Craunot. Trades are learned on the job.The receptionist has a very important role in a hotel. It greatly influences all the work of the teams and the life of the establishment. Sometimes he is alone and must therefore be able to deal with several types of problems and it is this responsibility that interests me because it gives meaning to my work.

What is the role of the housekeeper in a hotel?

The housekeeper of a hotel establishment supervises, organizes and controls the maintenance and cleaning staff of the rooms, sanitary facilities and common areas of the hotel : chambermaids and linen workers. … The household tools, their maintenance, the management of stocks of products and supplies are also their responsibility.Because it offers theoretical AND practical training, and it is affordable. Why in Nîmes? Because the campus is simply ideal, with a hotel, two restaurants, a spa… the perfect place to take your first steps in the hotel and restaurant business, with REAL customers!

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